comfort zones are for sleeping
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Depot App: Heads Down
This blog is as much for my use as anyone else's, so I fully intend to go back and document my thoughts as I worked through each Depot task.
Stay tuned.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Task A: Mea Culpa
I had some questions about my Product class, specifically these lines:
validates_presence_of :title, :description, :image_urlApparently Ruby likes to call these declarations, and they are executed when the class is instantiated. I'm still guessing about some things: in my head, I'm assuming that these are instance properties whose values get set by the constructor. Then when the validate() method gets called as the object is saved, it checks the value of these properties as part of the base validate() logic. Am I anywhere near right on this?
validates_numericality_of :price
validates_uniqueness_of :title
validates_format_of :image_url,
:with => %r{\.(gifjpgpng)$}i,
:message => "must be a URL for a GIF, JPG, or PNG image"
Saturday, September 15, 2007
The Depot App: Task A
In the spirit of my last post, I have decided to jump right in, dang the torpedos, and start writing the Depot app that's explained in Chapter 5 of the Hiney Book. As we move through the tutorial, Hiney pretends that we've got some chick sitting beside us telling what she wants (like they always do), and that we have the opportunity to RoR shine as a true Rapid Application Development platform, easily responding to her every whim as she reveals her inmost desires more and more while working through successive iterations. Turns out her inmost desires revolve around selling programming books, so apparently she's an uggo.
This app needs a maintenance feature for adding, editing, and deleting products in the database - that's the feature that we'll create first, or rather, that's the feature we'll have Rails create for us first. Before we can do that we must create a new Rails app and a database for our product data.
A while back, I told you guys I found an editor I like for Ruby on Rails programming. Well let me tell you what: RadRails makes what little RoR programming I've done so far dead simple. I won't go far into describing it; the main things I like about it are that it gives me a project-level view of the app I'm creating, formatted and color-coded editing for ruby code files and other types of files for my app, and easy non-console access to the various services I need while I'm creating a Rails app (WEBrick, MySql, etc.). You have to do a little bit of reading to get it set up and ready to use, but you're reading this so I assume you can read help files too. I told it I wanted a new Rails project called depot, and voila!, there it is, ready to start programming.
The only thing I haven't figured out how to do in RadRails so far is create a new MySql database (I'm sure you can use RadRails for that, I just haven't figured out how). So I brought up a console window and typed this:
c:\rubysandboxdepot> mysql -u root -p
Enter password: ********
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or /g.
mysql> create database depot_development;
mysql> create database depot_test;
mysql> create database depot_production;
mysql> grant all on depot_development.* to 'root'@'localhost';
mysql> grant all on depot_test.* to 'root'@'localhost';
mysql> grant all on depot_production.* to 'root'@'localhost';
mysql> exit
Then I created a .sql file called schema.sql and saved it to the db folder:
drop table if exists products;
create table products (
id int not null auto_increment,
title varchar(100) not null,
description text not null,
image_url varchar(200) not null,
price decimal(10,2) not null,
date_available datetime not null,
primary key (id)
Actually, it was a little bit different than this when I first created it, but that's what it looked like at the end of all the iterations for Task A. I won't bore you with the details of the changes. The thing that really struck me was how easy and it is to change things in this environment - instant gratification.
Now to create the Admin feature, all I had to do was go to the generators tab in RadRails and tell it I wanted to generate a scaffold called Product Admin. That got me a "model" file called product.rb, a file to create unit tests for product.rb, and a bunch of views for doing CRUD on Products. I love how Rails assumes you're a big boy, and that you actually intend to write automated tests for your code - I've spent the last couple of years learning about TDD in .Net (among other things), and I'm very impressed that Rails has support for this built right in.
So now the Product class -
class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_presence_of :title, :description, :image_url
validates_numericality_of :price
validates_uniqueness_of :title
validates_format_of :image_url,
:with => %r{\.(gif|jpg|png)$}i,
:message => "must be a URL for a GIF, JPG, or PNG image"
def validate
errors.add(:price, "should be positive") unless price.nil? || price >= 0.01
def self.salable_items
:conditions => "date_available <= now()",
:order => "date_available desc")
I've got some questions I'm sure will be answered in due time as I learn about Ruby and about ActiveRecord, but for now there are some things that seem strange to me as I approach this from Redmond:
- Where are my properties? How does a Product know what information it needs to keep handy about itself? I imagine this is somewhere in the ActiveRecord pattern.
- All of those validates_* statements at the top of the class are static methods, I think. Are we overriding stuff in the base ActiveRecord class here? I know these things, along with the validate() method at the bottom of the class, are called when a product is saved. But what exactly is the mechanism that executes these methods?
The only other stuff we did in Task A was to tidy up the views a little - seems rather like old ASP code, but I'm sure there's a lot more stuff going on here.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Let's Kill Something
I have two large posters hanging above my desk in my den of programming iniquity. One shows a fuzzy kitten dangling precipitously on a clotheswire by his claws, with the caption, "Hang in there!" The other shows two vultures, and one is saying to the other, "To heck with patience! Let's kill something!" I keep them where I can see them because I feel they represent the two sides of the coin that is my personality, the yin and the yang, if you will, of what makes me...well, me.
You see, I could sit back and wait patiently, obedient to my supposed fate, and hope someone or something comes along to sever my bond of ignominy, whether it be the shame of my own fear and weakness in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds, or my exile to the shadows until the end that approaches us all overtakes some hapless soul, and I receive my carrion feast like crumbs from the table. Patience is indeed a virtue. But it becomes a tether when I know I could throw it to the wind, cast my lot with that impudent vulture, spread my leathery wings to fly off into the night's cold embrace, and eat my fill until the juice runs down my neck.
I considered the message of both posters this evening as I sat in my dim parlor of digital ephemera, abuzz with the whir of heat sink fans, the clicking of hard drives, and the crackle of Tesla coils. Surrounded by hand-rubbed mahogony wainscot alive with the musk of decades worth of linseed oil, I eased back into my leather chair, and scratched my black jaguar Mr. Tinkles on the chin as he squinted, flattened his ears, and purred his familiar blessing. I took a slow, deliberate swig from my snifter of cognac and gazed deeply into the gems (rubies, ironically!) set deep in the eyesockets of the polished silver death's head mounted atop my ebony cane, as I pondered my decision. And then it came to me:
Let's kill something. Starting with a fuzzy kitten.
To whom it may concern
My machine is now back among the living. After re-seating the CMOS battery, and spending some time on the phone with the good people of the Dell support center (yes, you read correctly), I have video again. Among other things, I apparently inadvertently put my flat panel monitor into digital mode last weekend, but my motherboard video out is VGA. Laugh if you must.
A summary of the “help” I’ve received so far:
- “Dude, sounds like your motherboard’s fried.”
- “Disconnect everything”
- And my personal favorite, “Buy an iMac.”
I see how you guys are. Don’t worry, you’ll get yours…
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
A tale of woe, and a plea for help
The machine in question is a Dell Dimension E521 with onboard video, but I can’t get a video signal from the onboard video, not even during POST. Nothing, nada, zilch (and no, the monitor is not the problem). I got a new card (EVGA 7300 GT) from Fry’s this weekend and tried installing it. Here are the scenarios I’ve tried so far with little or no luck:
1) Monitor hooked to fried card (well, obviously)
2) Monitor hooked to onboard video, with fried card still installed
3) Monitor hooked to new card
4) Monitor hooked to onboard video, with new card installed
Scenario #2 worked for a couple of hours on Sunday night, but it stopped working last night before I installed the new card – no idea why. None of the other scenarios has worked at all. Tonight I’ll try taking the new board out and going back to onboard video. Beyond that, I’m clueless as to what to do.
Here’s where you come in: HELP!!! I welcome any advice on getting this solved.
Austin on Rails meeting
Cool stuff though. There was a guy there from Amazon presenting AWS, particularly their “infrastructure as a service” stuff. Talked a bit about their Simple Storage Service, which is flexible storage you can access via a webservice priced under a scaled fee-per-use model, as opposed to a subscription for a big chunk of storage you may not ever use. He also quickly covered the Simple Queuing Service – the name says it all.
Then he went into the Amazon Elastic Computing Cloud service (EC2), which is basically a huge grid of virtual Linux servers that can be spun up dynamically via a webservice, again with a fee-per-service pricing model. This offers a pretty cool solution for apps with limited needs for bursts of scalability, as well as time-bound apps. You can set the servers to spin up on a particular schedule, or you can spin up new servers if your app’s performance characteristics pass some arbitrary threshold you specify. Some cool usages he mentioned were:
- A company in India is using EC2 to process payroll once a month for several thousand employees.
- Stanford Law School uses EC2 to process OCR transcription of millions of old legal documents.
- The guy who presented created a time-bound app called ThursDate – a social network that only operates between the hours of 5:00 – 8:00 on Thursday night. The idea is that you have three hours to log on, upload pictures, videos, etc on Thursday night to find a date for Friday night. When the 3-hour session is over, everything disappears, and the app reappears anew next Thursday with no persisted info from the previous session. He has a chron job that spins up an EC2 image at the appropriate time, and the floodgates open.
Monday, September 3, 2007
Blogging Code
Hello, Rails! Part Deux: Season of the Witch
OK, so dynamic-izing the Hello, Rails! app turned out to be a heck of a lot easier than I had assumed it would be. Well, not really - I mean I thought it would be pretty easy, after all this is just a Hello, World app, and RoR is advertised as high-productivity. But it was stinkin' easy, man.
Still in the Hiney book on chapter 4, I messed around with some code they said I should plug in here and there. I wanted to display the current time, plus link some pages together, no big deal. Here's what the code ended up looking like:
class SayController < ApplicationController
def hello
@time =
def goodbye
<title>Hello, Rails!</title>
<h1>Hello from Rails!</h1>
<li>Addition: <%= 1+2 %> </li>
<li>Concatenation: <%= "Chew" + "bacca" %> </li>
<li>Time in one hour: <%= 1.hour.from_now %> </li>
<% 3.times do %>Ho!<br/><% end %>
Merry Christmas!
<p>It is now <%= @time %></p>
<p>Time to say <%= link_to "GoodBye!!", :action => "goodbye" %></p>
<title>See you later!</title>
<p>It was nice having you here.</p>
<p>Say <%= link_to "Hello!!", :action => "hello" %> again.</p>
Now I've got two pages that link to each other through the controller using the link_to helper method. And the hello.rhtml file sits up and does a few interesting little tricks itself. I'll leave it to you to figure out exactly what each line does. Easy, breezy, beautiful, Cover Girl.
What's next?
I'm glad you asked. I think I'm going to put down the Hiney book for a few days and focus on learning a bit about Ruby itself. I got a copy of the Pickaxe Book, but I'm planning to go through Why's Poignant Guide to Ruby first. There's a dude here in town named Bret Pettichord, and when it comes to Ruby he's a major dude. In fact, he was recently awarded a Certificate of Awesomeness by the Awesomeness Awareness Council. Anyway, Bret sez he picks up Why's Poignant Guide and reads through it from time to time. So I figure if he gets something out of it, a guy like me should get a lot out of it.
Saturday, September 1, 2007
A good RoR editor
Now, if I could only find something that would make blogging code a bit easier.
Hello, Rails
When we last left our intrepid hero, he was pooped. He had just finished successfully installing Ruby, RubyGems, Rails, WEBrick, and MySql, and he had pulled the sample app that ships with RoR up in a browser. There was the press conference, the autograph hounds, the paparazzi... It was quite a day. But now I have to write a real RoR app, and I still don't know anything about Ruby, or how to compile a Ruby program, how to navigate and manipulate the Rails framework, or anything! I don't even know what editor would work best for Ruby programming! Woe is me!
Never fear - Hiney's here! (Insert fanfare here) That's right, I'm back on the Hiney book (get your mind out of the gutter, Earl), chapter 4. Sez here Rails is an MVC framework. Let's not worry too much about what MVC is right now. Just know that in order to get Hello, Rails! up and running, we only need to worry about the V and the C, the View and the Controller. I want the app to say "Hello, Rails!" I need a view which will display stuff in a browser, and a controller whose job is to wake the view up and tell it what to do. RoR has a ton of stuff already built in to help us build each piece we need in a flash.
The Say Controller
So back in my command window, in the demo directory, I type this to generate a controller called Say:
c:\rubysandbox\demo<ruby script/generate controller Say
RoR thinks a minute, then spits out all this stuff:
exists app/controllers/
exists app/helpers/
create app/views/say
exists test/functional/
create app/controllers/say_controller.rb
create test/functional/say_controller_test.rb
create app/helpers/say_helper.rb
and then dumps me back out to a command prompt. Looks like it created some directories and files - whooptie-doo. Interesting filenames, though. There's a directory for views, another directory for controllers, the say controller file itself, another file apparently for unit testing the say controller, and something called say_helper.rb. Wonder what that is? Let's look at the controller - since I don't know what editor to really use, I'll just look at it in good ol' Notepad:
class SayController < ApplicationControllerend
I think Notepad is choking on some funky whitespace character in there. I think it's really supposed to look like this:
class SayController < ApplicationController
Ruby is a true object oriented programming language. This file contains a class called SayController that inherits all its behavior from another class called ApplicationController, kind of like the way I inherited my father's dainty hands and my mother's patchy facial hair. Thanks to modern medical science though, we don't have to accept nature's atrocities. Let's do some surgery on our class. We need to create an action, which the webserver will use respond to a url somebody types into the browser like this:
Urls are a bit different in RoR apps then they are in .NET apps. In .NET apps, a url usually identifies a real physical resource residing somewhere on the webserver. In RoR, everthing in the url above up through and including http://localhost:3000/ identifies the application we're trying to interact with. The say/ part identifies our say controller, and the hello part identifies the action we're about to add to the say controller. Here's what the SayController class looks like with the hello action added into it:
class SayController < ApplicationController
def hello
I added a method to the SayController class called hello. There's nothing in that method right now, but that's ok. Remember, SayController inherits a lot of behaviour from ApplicationController.
The hello View
A controller without a view doesn't do much. So let's create the hello.rhtml view and save it in the app/views/say directory:
<title>Hello, Rails!</title>
<h1>Hello from Rails!</h1>
Pretty simple stuff. But what do you want? It's just a Hello, World! app. Remember, notepad likes to hang ".txt" on the end of your filenames. So take a look in the app/views/say directory and make sure that the filename for the view is hello.rhtml.
Putting it all together
So here's what will happen: Somebody (probably me) will come along and type http://localhost:3000/say/hello into a browser on this computer. Assuming WEBrick is running, RoR will know it needs to look at the demo application and run the hello action on the say controller. The say controller will tell RoR to look in the app/views/say directory for a view called hello.rhtml - notice how all the names of various things are matching up (the say controller and the say views directory, the hello action and the hello.rhtml view, etc). RoR expects files and directories to be in standard locations, and for action and view names to match. When that happens, life is easy. RoR looks in the view directory, grabs hello.rhtml, and spits it back out to the browser.
First, I have to make sure my webserver is running:
c:\rubysandbox\demo>ruby script/server
and then I'll browse to http://localhost:3000/say/hello in Firefox. And whaddaya know, it works!! There it is, "Hello from Rails!" smiling right back at me in the browser!! Awesome.
Next time
So what did we do this time? We learned about controllers and views, we created a controller and a view using RoR standards, and we got a static page we created to come up in the browser. That's good enough for today. Next time, we'll add a bit to Hello, Rails! to make it a bit more dynamic. But not today. I gotta go buy some paint.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Bourne Again
If you don't want to know what happens in the movie, stop reading now.
Ok, have you stopped reading now? Here's the summary:
Jason Bourne gets mad
There's an implausible car chase
Some people get hurt
My review:
Pretty good.
Next up in the Bourne series:
The Bourne Proctoscopy
(Matt Damon ain't getting any younger, you know)
Sunday, August 26, 2007
What to do?
What have I done so far to get started on RoR? Nothing. Nada. Zip, zero, zilch. I mean it, not a dern thing. I took like a three-hour nap today, read a chapter of Taran Wanderer by Lloyd Alexander, watched a rerun of America's Funniest Home Videos, and chased after my in-laws' two dogs who are staying with us for the weekend. I love my in-laws dearly, but for some reason our seagrass floor coverings tend to make their dogs incontinent. Oh yeah, and I also ate a piece of cake.
The RoR site makes it seem like you just install a couple of things and, badda-bing badda-boom, you're on the road to fame and fortune. I wonder if getting started with RoR is really as easy as advertised. Now that RoR has been around for a while, I feel like I'm coming in a bit late on the conversation. But all the cool kids are doing it, so off to the RoR download page.
How do I know I've installed RoR correctly?
In order to call myself successful in getting a RoR development environment up and running on my box (a Dell Dimension E512 running Vista Premium), I want to see a functioning editor and compiler for Ruby, and an executing Hello World sample app. To get there, I assume I have to install a few things:
1) Ruby - the language itself.
2) RubyGems - a Ruby 'package manager'.
3) Rails - a Ruby implementation of several really nice patterns, including ActiveRecord.
4) Brick - a Ruby-based webserver. RoR won't run on IIS or Cassini (as far as I know), so you have to install a different webserver.
5) MySql - I don't really have to install this. RoR will indeed work with MS Sql Server. But the lion's share of the most readily available documentation centers on MySql, and it will be much easier later to find a web host for RoR and MySql rather than RoR and MS Sql Server. And since this little adventure is about charting new territory and claiming it for myself: Excelsior!!
There are a few options for getting all this stuff up and running, so I'll follow my typical MO and take the path of least resistance.
Ruby and RubyGems
First I'm gonna use the One-Click Ruby Installer for Windows. I used Version 1.8.5 because they told me to on the download page (they came up with this stuff, I figure they must know what they're talking about), the .exe download. Took all the defaults for installation. It took a few minutes to install, and it installed to c:\Ruby. This took care of items 1) and 2) on my list above.
And now, I've run into my first problem. To install Rails, the download page says I need to run the following command:
gem install rails --include-dependencies
But where do you run it? Do you just open up a cmd window and type that in? As it turns out: yes, you sure do. But then RubyGems starts asking a number of rather personal questions:
Install required dependency rake? [Yn]
Install required dependency activesupport? [Yn]
Install required dependency activerecord? [Yn]
Install required dependency actionpack? [Yn]
Install required dependency actionmailer? [Yn]
Install required dependency actionwebservice? [Yn]
I answered 'y' to all of these, but it seems a bit odd. I mean, I said 'include-dependencies' in the initial command, and RubyGems is telling me these dependencies are required. Why doesn't it just go ahead and install them without asking permission again? Anyway...after a couple of minutes everything seems to be installed. Or, at least, I'm back to a command prompt. An eerie calm as fallen over my computer.
Next: the Application or the DBMS?
The next step the RoR download page tells me to do is to create the application skeleton. That doesn't seem right - I'm pretty sure the stuff I have just installed didn't include the development webserver, and I'm very sure I haven't installed MySql yet. So let's get MySql installed first. I'll download it from
OK, I pulled this guy: mysql-essential-5.0.45-win32.msi down from and installed it. Vista didn't really want to let me, but after some arm twisting MySql is up and running on my box - pretty easy, just run the msi and take the defaults.
Now the Sample Application
So now I'm back to creating a sample app. tells me to do this:
rails path/to/your/new/application
cd path/to/your/new/application
ruby script/server
I've got no clue here, so I'm switching over to a book by David Heinemeier Hansson (his mother calls him "Hiney"). Hiney says rails is a command-line tool that you use to construct each Rails app you write. According to Hiney, I need to pick out a directory on my machine and use rails to create an app called demo. So I'll make a new directory called c:\rubysandbox and navigate to it in a command shell.
All I have to do to create the app is type rails demo. rails thought about it for a couple of seconds, but then it spit out a bunch of create statements and dumped me back out onto a command prompt. Now when I list the contents of the c:\sandbox\demo there are 14 new directories, plus a Rakefile and a README.
Hiney says there's a directory in there called script, and it contains a ruby script called server. The server script allegedly starts WEBrick - so I guess we did install the web server after all. Here's how you run it: c:\rubysandbox\demo>ruby script/server . Once I run that, I can point Firefox to http://localhost:3000/. When I do, I get a nicely formatted message saying: "Welcome aboard You're riding the Rails!"
Yay me! It worked!!
At this point I expected balloons and confetti to fall from the ceiling, and maybe a buxom spokesmodel would present me with one of those oversized grand prize checks. I'm kind of glad that didn't happen though. I think my wife would be mad. But let's accentuate the positive: I have successfully installed Ruby on Rails, with MySql as the DBMS. And I have proven to myself that my installation is successful, because I've seen the sample app come up in a browser. Very cool! I still have to get the development tools up and running and create a Hello, World! app, but I'll do that tomorrow.
I'm pooped.Get Started, Start a Fire
So why bother with Ruby on Rails? The simplest answer is: I want to be a better programmer. Like I said, I'm comfortable with .Net. But I readily admit that Microsoft's marketing plan does not necessarily lead programmers to create software using the highest degree of craftsmanship. It's time to be uncomfortable again. Even if I never use RoR professionally, I want to broaden my understanding of my chosen profession.
I will use every resource available to me to further my education and progress. This includes easily available stuff like, RoR books, tons of online samples and tutorials, etc., as well as local resources like the Austin on Rails developer community. Hopefully, I'll be successful enough with my experiments to post some of them online, so that the world might gratefully acknowledge my genius by mailing me hundreds of cards and letters containing their good wishes, offers of moral support and prayers for my progress along this pilgrimage, and small honorariums (cashier's checks only please, no personal checks).
So here we go.